Ed-Flex Waiver: Opportunity for Public Review and Comment

Fayette County School Corporation is proposing renewal of its Ed-Flex Waiver for Title IV grant funds through the Indiana Department of Education’s (IDOE’s) Office of Title Grants. Ed-Flex is a program through the U.S. Department of Education that grants state educational agencies (SEAs) the authority to waive statutory or regulatory education requirements that may impede local efforts to reform and improve educational achievement. Fayette County is proposing a waiver that will allow increased flexibility in Title IV spending requirements.

Fayette County School Corporation uses the Title IV Ed-Flex waiver to allow the full allocation of grant funds to be put toward salary and benefits for a school counselor position. Without the waiver, the school would be required to allocate a certain percentage of the grant dollars to other initiatives that are not of highest priority to the school corporation. The school corporation has identified that the priority for the Title IV grant should be employing staff to work directly with students. The goal of this grant project is to directly impact student performance, and the flexibility this waiver provides will allow the district to better accomplish this goal.

According to 20 U.S.C. § 5891b(a)(7), any LEA seeking an Ed-Flex waiver shall provide the opportunity for parents, educators, and all other interested community stakeholders to comment on the waiver. If you would like to share your comments about the Title IV Ed Flex waiver, please email the school grants coordinator, Tricia Fields at: tfields@fayette.k12.in.us . All comments that the school corporation receives will be submitted with the application to the Indiana Department of Education, and comments will be available for public review by emailing Tricia Fields at the email listed above.